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Text File | 1991-04-12 | 70.6 KB | 1,877 lines |
- About help Deleting text Footnotes Preview mode Shell to DOS
- Basic editing DOS commands Format menu Printer setup Shortcuts
- Box operations Dot lines Function keys Printing Spell checker
- Change margins Enhancing text Headers/footers Problems, edit Status line
- Characters Entering text Marking text Problems, print Switching files
- Char codes File conversion Misc.operations Recording keys Undelete/undo
- Control files File operations Numbering Reformatting Windows
- Copy/move text Find/replace Page layout Repaging Support service
- Cursor moves Fixing typos Paragraph style Ruler lines Shareware
- About Help
- Welcome to the Lite help screens. We hope you find them useful.
- Use the four arrow keys, and Home, End, and Tab keys to select a topic.
- Use the PgUp and PgDn keys to scroll a long help screen, like this one.
- The shifted (or Shf) PgUp and PgDn keys scroll a screenfull at once.
- Press the Shf F1 key to turn on the three REMINDER LINES that describe the
- function keys available at each menu. Press Shf F1 again to hide these lines.
- To use the Main Menu, press the Esc key. Then press the Shf, Alt, or Ctl key
- to see more menus. Press Esc at this menu (or any menu) to return to editing.
- Watch the top line, or STATUS LINE for information about your current editing
- status and modes. See the STATUS LINE topic in these help screens.
- Deleting Text
- Delete character (or space)
- under cursor Del
- left of cursor Bksp
- Delete word
- right of cursor Ctl Esc
- left of cursor Ctl Bksp
- Delete line
- entire line Shf Ctl Enter (or Home, Ctl Enter)
- to end of line Ctl Enter
- to line start Shf Ctl Bksp
- Delete block
- begin marking F4 (or for a box, Ctl F7)
- move to end
- of the block
- delete marking F4
- Undo delete Ctl F4
- Delete file Alt F1 F7
- Footnotes
- To create a footnote
- 1. Enter a footnote reference in the text, using a reference character of your
- choice. Sequential numbering is an option; see NUMBERING.
- 2. Enter the footnote text just after the paragraph containing the reference.
- 3. Place a .DB Dot line above and a .DQ directly below the footnote text,
- using the Alt F6 format menu or directly (see FORMAT MENU, DOT LINES)
- To print footnotes as endnotes
- 1. Send all footnotes to a separate file, using the .DF Dot line:
- .DF:filename
- 2. After you print your file, switch to your footnote file and print it, too.
- 3. To use both footnotes and endnotes, start footnotes with a .DD Dot line
- and endnotes with the usual .DB Dot line. Both end with a .DQ Dot line.
- To set footnote formats
- (these are only entered once, at the start of the document)
- Footnote separator line .DH:text (such as dashes, underlines)
- Footnote line spacing .DM:number (default is 1, single space)
- Example
- .DH:
- .DH:-------------
- In 1975 the urban population of Venus [1] had not yet materialized.
- .DB
- 1. A warm, fragrant planet covered with clouds.
- .DQ
- Prints as:
- In 1975 the urban population of Venus [1] had not yet materialized.
- -------------
- 1. A warm, fragrant planet covered with clouds.
- Preview Mode
- This feature shows you an overall image of what your document will look like
- when printed. You can't make out the words, but you can see the margins,
- headers, and general effect. Your computer must have graphics capabilities
- to use Preview mode.
- To use Preview mode before you print, press F1 then F7 to get the Print Menu,
- then press F3 to turn Preview mode on or off. In Preview mode, press either
- the Ctl PgUp key or Ctl PgDn key to see each page on the screen.
- To use Preview mode to set page breaks, press Alt F7 to get the Repage Menu,
- then (again) press F3 to turn Preview on or off, and Ctl PgUp or Ctl PgDn to
- see each page.
- Shell To DOS
- If your computer has enough memory, you may temporarily exit Lite to run
- another program or a DOS command, while the editor and your document stay
- in the computer's memory.
- Exiting Lite to the shell
- 1. Press F1 to bring up the System/Help Menu.
- 2. Press F4. The screen shows you are at DOS, and displays the DOS prompt.
- Reentering Lite, exiting the shell
- 1. At the DOS prompt in the shell type:
- EXIT <Enter>.
- Notes: The shell from Lite is a temporary opening to DOS. When you return
- the shell is closed and all activities ended. So, the shell is suitable for
- applications that will be complete when you return to Lite, but not for
- loading a memory resident program that you wish to stay active upon return.
- To load a resident program, exit Lite normally (F1, F2), load the program,
- and then reenter the editor (LITE filename).
- Basic Editing
- You can create and edit text using only a few keys:
- 1. Use the normal typewriter keys to enter text. The Enter key (the big key
- on the right, which may have a <─┘ on it) goes to the next line.
- 2. Use the four Arrow keys, on the far right of your keyboard, to move the
- cursor (the little blinking square on the screen) where you want to type.
- 3. Use the Bksp key (a darker key with a left arrow) to backspace over
- any mistakes, or the Del key to delete a character at the cursor.
- 4. To print your text, press the F1 key, then F7, then F10.
- 5. To save your text to disk and exit from the Lite program, press F1 then F2.
- 6. To save your text to disk and continue editing, press F1 then F3.
- That's all you need at first. See FIXING TYPOS for basic character edit keys.
- DOS Commands
- File Names
- DOS file names are 1 to 8 characters, plus an extension of 0 to 3 letters.
- The format is: filename.ext
- You can use the letters A-Z (upper and lower case are the same), numbers 0-9,
- and the symbols $ & # @ ! % ( ) { } - _ ~ in a filename.
- The filename can be preceded by a drive specification, and/or a pathname,
- for example: C:\PCW\filename.ext
- Think of the drive and path as part of the full filename. When no drive and/or
- path is given, DOS assumes the currently logged drive and directory.
- Here are some DOS COMMANDS you may find useful. Lite has keystrokes for
- some of these file operations (see FILE OPERATIONS). "A>" is the DOS prompt.
- A>COPY fromfile tofile
- copies "fromfile" to "tofile"
- A>DEL filename
- deletes the file "filename"
- A>DIR B:
- lists files in drive B
- formats diskette in drive B
- A>RENAME oldname newname
- renames "oldname" to "newname"
- A>SORT < infilename > outfilename
- sorts lines in "infilename" and puts them in "outfilename"
- A>TYPE filename
- displays contents of "filename" on the screen
- Format Menu
- You can control all basic document formats using the Format Menu.
- 1. Move the cursor to where you want this format to start. To format the whole
- document, move to the start of the document. Press the Alt F6 key.
- 2. Use the Up and Down Arrow keys to select format options. As you select them,
- the top of the menu tells what that option does, and what your choices are.
- 3. Change any option, by typing in a new number or letter. For ones you just
- turn on or off, press Enter to turn on, or Esc then F9 to turn off.
- 4. Press the F10 key when you are done. Or, to cancel the menu and leave
- things as they were, press the Esc key twice.
- Printer Setup
- For your printer to work correctly you must do the following.
- Double check these if you are having printer trouble, and see PROBLEMS, PRINT
- 1. Note printer brand, model, and mode.
- Look at your printer and printer manual.
- Compare dip switch settings with manual to determine the mode.
- Mode often governs character set and/or type styles available.
- When making changes, write down settings as they were when you started.
- 2. Run the Printer Picker.
- This creates a print control file for your printer, PR.DEF by default.
- It runs when you install Lite with LITEDISK.
- It can be run alone to change printers or modes.
- With the Lite Utility Diskette in drive A: type:
- A> PRINTER d:\subdir\filename <Enter>
- Make choices as prompted. d:\subdir\ is the drive and directory with your copy
- of Lite. If you have only one printer, use PR.DEF as filename. If you have
- more than one printer connected to your computer, run the Printer Picker once
- for each printer, giving a unique filename for each.
- To check your current print control file for brand and model, edit or type the
- control file and look at the first line.
- 3. Know your printer port.
- Lite and DOS assume the printer is plugged into the LPT1 or PAR1 port (two names
- for the first parallel port). If it's on the second parallel port (LPT2 or PAR2)
- or a serial port (COM1, COM2, SER1, or SER2), you must tell either Lite or DOS.
- Tell Lite by using the .O Dot line in the print control file.
- Edit file PR.DEF. Add this line at the top:
- .O:SER1 (since this is a Dot line, start with Alt-G)
- This directs all printing to the first serial port.
- Replace SER1 with SER2 or PAR2 depending on the port in use.
- Redirect printing with DOS by adding the following line to the DOS file
- AUTOEXEC.BAT. Be sure to run AUTOEXEC.BAT before testing changes.
- You can replace COM1 with COM2 or LPT2 (DOS doesn't use SERx or PARx).
- Shortcuts
- Loading Options - from DOS or from editing with F1 then F6:
- Bypass prompt asking about backup: no backup LITE filename/e
- Bypass prompt asking about backup: create backup LITE filename/s
- Bypass prompt asking whether to create file LITE filename/c
- Bring up directory before loading LITE *.*
- (or use filename.* or *.ext instead of *.*)
- Jump to a line in the file, nn is the line number LITE filename/nn
- Pause and display each control file read LITE filename/w
- All / options may be used in combination (eg. /e/w).
- File Switching Options - from F1 then F6:
- Quick switch to another file: no backup F1, F6, filename, F10
- Quick switch to another file: create backup F1, F6, filename, F9
- Quick switch to next file in a series F1, F6, F7
- Quick switch to prior file in a series F1, F6, F5
- (example: FILE1.TST, FILE2.TST, etc.)
- Printing Options - from DOS
- Bring up F1 then F7 menu LITE filename/p
- Print every page of file, bypass prompts/menus LITE filename/p/e
- Bring up F1 F7 F9 print page range prompt LITE filename/p/s
- Bring up F1 F7 F7 multiple copies prompt LITE filename/p/m
- Box Operations
- A marked box is a rectangular area of text; like a marked block with sides.
- To perform box operations:
- 1. Place the cursor at any corner of the box.
- 2. Press Ctl F7 (or Shf Ctl F6) to start Boxing mode.
- 3. To mark the box, move the cursor to diagonal opposite corner.
- 4. Some box operations first freeze the box size, creating BOXED mode.
- Notes:
- * Pressing Ctl F7 to mark a box forces Hide mode (hiding fonts and Guide Lines)
- You can go to Show mode with Alt Space, but Hide mode works better.
- * Box moves and copies (unlike block moves and copies) overwrite existing text.
- If you're about to overwrite text, you get a warning.
- If you're moving or copying, first clear the target area.
- Operations you can do in Boxing Mode (after pressing Ctl F7 and marking a box):
- Press To Do
- Ctl F7 Move the cursor to the upper left corner
- Ctl F5 Mark the entire file as a vertical slice
- F3, move cursor, F3 Set BOXED mode, Copy box
- F6, move cursor, F6 Set BOXED mode, Move box
- F4 Delete box
- Ctl F6 Copy a box to another file
- Shf Ctl F6 Append box to the Hold Area
- Ctl F4 Undelete a just-deleted box
- Shf Ctl End Move to upper left of moved or deleted box
- Ctl F3 Insert a file as a box
- Shf Ins or Shf Del Slide box text right or left
- Alt F10 then F9 Repeat replace within a box
- Alt F6, End, letter Insert font characters around box
- Ctl F9 then F2 Frame box, double ═ line
- Ctl F9 then F3 Frame box, single ─ line
- Ctl F9 then F4 Frame box, ASCII - | + symbols
- Ctl F9 then F5 Unframe box (frame with blanks)
- If you have a Marked or Boxed area and you use an operation that applies
- to the whole file, not just the marked or boxed part, you get a warning.
- Dot Lines
- GUIDE LINES control formatting.
- RULER LINES are Guide lines that control paragraph formatting.
- DOT LINES are Guide lines that control page layout and printing.
- All Guide Lines begin with the ALT-G font character.
- All Dot Lines follow the Alt-G with a dot (period).
- Alt-G characters are normally invisible, but guide lines are highlighted,
- and the word "Guide" appears in the status line when the cursor is on one.
- To delete a Guide line, place the cursor at the start and press Ctl Enter.
- The Alt F6 menu is available to help you enter many Dot lines.
- Guide lines and Dot lines do not print. To view your file with Guide lines and
- font characters hidden, press Alt Space Bar. This "hides" these non-printing
- lines and characters. To "show" them, press Alt Space Bar again.
- Page breaks in Hide mode are displayed as a single dashed line for soft breaks,
- and a double dashed line for hard page breaks.
- Related Help topics:
- Put each Dot line on its own line, preceded by Alt-G.
- * means line breaks a paragraph.
- Page Layout Commands Dot Line Default
- Font, start Regular font .R: letter F
- Font, quit Regular font .Q: letter
- Footer line (up to 8) .F: text none
- Footer lines, quit all .FQ
- Header line (up to 8) .H: text none
- Header lines, quit all .HQ
- Length of page .L: lines 66
- Length of text body .LB:lines 54
- Line spacing, multiple .M: number 1
- Line spacing, per inch .S: number 6
- Extra margin, left .X: number 0
- Extra margin, top .XT:lines 4
- Extra margin, bottom .XB:lines 8
- Footnote Dot Commands Dot Line
- *Footnote entry, begin .DB
- *Footnote forced on page .DD
- *Footnote entry, end .DQ
- *Footnote file .DF:filename
- *Footnote header (up to 4) .DH:text
- *Footnote line spacing .DM:number
- Other Dot Commands Dot Line
- Comment line ..
- Include ASCII codes .TT:nnn,nnn,...
- Output file .O: filename
- Page number, this page .N: number
- Function Keys
- Esc Cancels any menu
- F1 Gives Help from any menu
- Shf F1 Turns Reminder lines on/off
- F1: System/Help Menu
- F1 F1 Help
- F1 F2 Exit from Lite
- F1 F3 Save file
- F1 F4 DOS shell
- F1 F5 Change saving name
- F1 F6 Switch to another file
- F1 F7 Print Menu (below)
- F1 F9 Stop save
- F1 F7: Print Menu
- F1 F7 F3 Page preview mode
- F1 F7 F7 Print multiple copies
- F1 F7 F8 Print to file or device
- F1 F7 F9 Print range of pages
- F1 F7 F10 Print all pages
- F1 F7 cPgU/D Jump to next/prior page
- F2: Window/Ruler Menu
- F2 F2 Bring up/remove Ruler line
- F2 F4 Insert Ruler above cursor
- F2 F6 Read control file (edit/print)
- F2 Grey+/- Find next/last ruler line
- F3 Copy/mark block
- F4 Delete/mark block
- F5 Un-mark block
- F6 Move/mark block
- Ctl F3 Insert file as marked block
- Ctl F4 Insert hold (undelete)
- Ctl F5 Mark whole file as a block
- Ctl F6 Copy marking block to file
- Ctl F7 Box marking mode
- Ctl F9 Box frame Menu
- F7 Reformat paragraph
- Shf F7 Wrap-/Wrap+/Para+
- F8 Lower/upper case
- Alt F8 Upper case only
- Shf F8 Center line
- Ctl F8 Flush right line
- F9: Find and Replace Menu
- F9 F9 Set Find text
- F9 F10 Set Replace text
- F10 Replace once
- Ctl F10 Swap find/replace text
- Alt F1: Name/File Menu
- Alt F1 F6 Copy entire file to disk
- Alt F1 F7 Delete a file
- Alt F1 F8 Directory (list files)
- Alt F2: Spelling Menu
- Alt F2 F2 Check a word
- Alt F2 F3 Guess a correct spelling
- Alt F2 F4 Add a word to list
- Alt F2 F7 Automatic checking on/off
- Alt F2 Grey+/- Find next/prior wrong word
- Alt F4: Misc-Ops Menu
- Alt F4 F3 Word count
- Alt F4 F4 Mark symbol pair
- Alt F4 F5 Insert current date
- Alt F4 F6 Jump-to/remove non-ASCII
- Alt F5: Conversion Menu
- Alt F5 F2 Convert Wordstar files
- Alt F5 F4 Convert tabs/spaces
- Alt F5 F6 Fix line boundary errors
- Alt F7: Repage Menu
- Alt F7 F3 Page preview mode
- Alt F7 F5 Repage entire file
- Alt F7 F7 To next page break only
- Alt F7 F9 Remove all page breaks
- Alt F7 cPgU/D Jump to next/prior page
- Alt F9: To-Location Menu
- Alt F9 F9 Move to line x/n in file
- Alt F9 F10 Move to page x/n in file
- Alt F10: Replace-All Menu
- Alt F10 F9 Repeat Replace
- Alt F10 F10 Un-replace
- Alt F6: Formatting Menu
- Start a new page ---------- ?*
- Paragraph style ---- C, F, J, R:
- Reformat control ------ A, Y, N:
- Tab spacing ----------- T every:
- Paragraph first line indent -- :
- Right margin; print width --- :
- Left margin, when printed - .X :
- Top margin ---------------- .XT:
- Bottom margin ------------- .XB:
- Paper length -------------- .L :
- Multiple space; 2=double -- .M :
- Lines per inch; 4, 6, 8 --- .S :
- Reset the page number ----- .N :
- Default header lines on --- .H
- Default footer lines on --- .F
- Begin a footnote block ---- .DB
- Quit a footnote block ---- .DQ
- Begin a Regular font ------ .R :
- Quit a Regular font ------ .Q :
- Begin/End font effect ----- Alt:
- Printing
- To Print While Editing
- Press F1 then F7. This brings up the Print Menu:
- Esc F1 F3.View F7:Copies F8:To-disk F9:Range F10.All-pages Ctl-PgUpDn: n
- As usual, Esc cancels the menu, and F1 brings up this Help system.
- F7 Copies
- Prompts you for the number of copies of your document to print.
- F8 To-disk
- Prompts you for the name of a disk file, or a device name, to print to.
- If you print to a disk file, you can later just copy this file to the printer
- to print it, or use the DOS command PRINT to print the file while you edit.
- Printing to a file can also help if your printing doesn't look right, to help
- discover where the problem occurs. (see PROBLEMS, PRINT)
- Printing to a device can direct your printout to a particular printer or port.
- F9 Range
- Prompts you for a range of page numbers to print:
- Esc F9:First page number "1" F10:Final page number "1"
- The cursor is at the first page number, so you can change this number.
- Press F10 to set the final page number. Press Enter to print the page range.
- If your printer only takes one sheet at a time, enter the first page number
- in both places, and press Enter to print the first page. The menu reappears
- with the next page number. Press Enter to print this page, and so on.
- F10 All-pages
- Prints all pages in your file.
- Ctl PgDn (and Ctl PgUp)
- These keys go to the next (or prior) place a page break would occur.
- To Print a File from DOS
- When you start Lite with the LITE command from DOS, you can tell it to print:
- LITE filename/p Bring up F1 then F7 menu
- LITE filename/p/e Print every page of file, bypass prompts/menus (F1 F7 F10)
- LITE filename/p/s Bring up F1 F7 F9 print page range prompt
- LITE filename/p/m Bring up F1 F7 F7 multiple copies prompt
- Spell Checker
- The "spelling checker" just looks up a word in its master list and your user
- list and tells you if it is not there. The master word list WORDS.MAS comes
- on the Lite program diskette. You create the custom word list WORDS.USE.
- To check spelling
- check last word typed Alt F2, F2
- check as you type Alt F2, F7
- To scan for word not in a list
- scan to next word Alt F2, Grey+
- scan to prior word Alt F2, Grey-
- (after pressing Alt F2, Grey+ and Grey- continue to check
- spelling, until you press F9 or F10 to do Find or Replace).
- Guess at correction
- for misspelled word Alt F2, F3
- User list
- add word to user list Alt F2, F4
- Merge user list into master list
- 1. Put WORDS.MAS, WORDS.USE, and WORDS.EXE on the default disk or directory.
- 2. Type: WORDS <enter>
- 3. Follow the instructions on the screen.
- Change Margins
- Top Margin
- Change the top margin with a .XT:number Dot line in the text file, giving the
- number of lines (eg, .XT:3). The Formatting Menu (Alt F6) helps you do this.
- Do this at the start of the file if you want it to apply to the whole file.
- Or, for a dot matrix printer, you can just position the printhead.
- Bottom Margin
- In a similar way, change the bottom margin with a .XB:number Dot line.
- Right Margin
- Change the right margin by changing the Ruler and reformatting.
- 1. Press F2 to edit the Ruler line
- 2. Move to position of new right margin, enter right margin letter (such as R).
- 3. Reformat, by marking the paragraphs and then pressing F7.
- Left Margin - Printed
- The simplest way to change the left margin is with the .X:number Dot line,
- giving the number of extra spaces of left margin to print, again using the
- Formatting Menu (Alt F6). This left margin does not show on the screen.
- Left Margin - Ruler
- If you want a left margin visible on the screen, you can also set it by placing
- a left margin letter in the Ruler line. To change the left Ruler margin, remove
- the old left margin letter and use a K left margin letter at the new position:
- 1. Press F2 to edit the Ruler line
- 2. Move to position of new left margin, enter the K.
- 3. Reformat, by marking the paragraphs and then pressing F7.
- 4. You can then replace the K in the Ruler with another left margin letter.
- Enhancing Text
- The current font is shown on the Status Line when editing. See STATUS LINE.
- You can turn on fonts and/or enhancements in one of three ways:
- 1. For text on one line, press Alt plus one of the letters listed below before
- and after the text to enter a font character. Font characters do not print.
- 2. Mark the text, press Alt F6 (Format Menu), press End (Begin/End font effect),
- enter one of the letters below, and press F10 to finish the menu.
- 3. For longer blocks of text use .R:letter to start the font or enhancement,
- and Q:letter to end it. See DOT LINES, PAGE LAYOUT.
- To view text on screen without Font characters, press Alt Space Bar.
- To see them again, press Alt Space Bar again.
- ───────────────────────────────┬───────────────────────
- Alt C Compressed │ Alt B Boldface
- Alt D Double wide │ Alt I Italics
- Alt E Elite 12 cpi, fast │ Alt H Superscript
- Alt F Fast, pica (default) │ Alt L Subscript
- Alt P Pica 10 cpi, quality │ Alt S Second strike
- Alt Q Quality mode, elite │ Alt U Underline
- Headers/Footers
- Header lines repeat at the top of each page; footer lines at the bottom.
- You can have up to 8 of each. Footnotes are not footers. See DOT LINES.
- Page location Headers Footers
- All pages .H:text .F:text
- Page numbers/positioning Example Header Example Footer
- Page numbers .H:Page $$$ .F:Page $$$
- Blank line .H: .F:
- Flush left .H:Part 1... .F:English 101
- Flush right .H:...Joe Grow .F:...Chapter 2
- Centered .H:...Heros... .F:...Subs...
- Other options Example Header Example Footer
- Turn off all headers/footers .HQ .FQ
- Set page number for next page .N:12 .N:+2
- Print today's date .H:$$Mon Ye$$ .F:$$D Month Year$$
- Print day of the week .H:$$Day$$ .F:$$DAY$$
- The date format can use any of the following, combined with other text:
- D Day of month, 1-31 DA Day of month, 01-31
- M Month number, 1-12 MO Month number, 01-12
- Day Mon Tue Wed etc. DAY MON TUES WED etc.
- Days Monday Tuesday etc. DAYS MONDAY TUESDAY etc.
- Mon Jan Feb Mar etc. MON JAN FEB MAR etc.
- Month January February etc. MONTH JANUARY FEBRUARY etc.
- YE year, 90 YEAR year 1990
- Problems, Edit
- If Lite doesn't run at all, or you have problems you can't explain:
- 1. Make sure the Lite program (LITE.EXE), Help file (LITE.HLP), and spelling
- file (WORDS.MAS) are all in one directory or floppy disk, and it is the
- default drive and directory.
- 2. Try Lite without any memory resident software (a program loaded into memory
- and active as you work). If you are on a network, run Lite locally. Memory
- resident software, network software, and the DOS APPEND command sometimes
- interfere with the DOS PATH command. This may cause problems finding files.
- 3. If you suspect damage to a Lite file, recopy the file from the original
- disks, or make a new work disk using LITEDISK with a new, blank, formatted
- disk. On a hard disk system, use a new directory. If these fail, try to run
- Lite from your original disks (not usually recommended). If Lite will not
- run from your original disks, you may need a new set.
- 4. If changes to the edit control file ED.DEF do not appear to take effect,
- check for other ED.DEF files on the PATH and for ED.ext where .ext matches
- the extension of the file you are editing. Use the /w switch to check which
- control files have been read. Check the print control file (PR.DEF) for a
- line that may override one in ED.DEF. Return to DOS and reload the editor
- after changes to ED.DEF. Use the DOS command SET <enter> to look for a
- SET LITE= command. SET LITE= is read instead of ED.DEF. See CONTROL FILES.
- If you get a "MEMORY FULL" or "DISK FULL" message:
- Your computer's internal memory and disk memory are limited. You can get
- around this by dividing your document into several files. If you give them
- file names like PART1, PART2, PART3 (for less than 10) or CHAPT01, CHAPT02,
- CHAPT03 (for 10 or more) then you can switch between them easily, and Lite
- can treat them as a unit when it prints, searches, or checks spelling.
- 1. If you get the message Memory full; Esc:Cancel, F9:Make subfiles ...
- your file is too big to be loaded into memory. If you want Lite to make a
- new set of subfiles, press F9. For example, if the original file is named
- NOVEL, it would make NOVEL1, NOVEL2, and so on. The original file NOVEL
- is not affected. You could also press Esc to cancel Lite, and try to make
- more memory available by removing resident programs (or buying more memory).
- 2. If you get a "MEMORY FULL" type of message after your file has been loaded,
- your file is OK, but no more text can be inserted.
- To divide your file into two files:
- 1. Move to a dividing point you like, at the start of a line.
- 2. Press Ctl F6.
- 3. Press Shf Grey- (or Alt -) to move to the end of the file.
- 4. Press Ctl F6 again.
- 5. Type the name you want for part 2 of your document, and press Enter.
- The marking area is copied to this file.
- 6. If part 2 has been successfully copied to the other file, press F4
- to delete this part from the original file.
- 3. If you try to save your file or exit, and the disk is too big to hold the
- file in memory, you get the prompt:
- Disk full; Esc:Cancel F9:Try again with new disk F10:Write incomplete copy
- There are several ways around this:
- 1. Replace your floppy disk with one that has more room, and press F9.
- 2. Press F10 to write as much of the file to disk as possible. But some part
- at the end will be lost!
- 3. Press Esc to cancel. Then delete one or more files on the too-full disk.
- Press Alt F1 then F7 to delete a file. Or press Alt F1 then F8 to get a
- directory first, select a file to delete, and then press F7.
- 4. Press Esc to cancel, then press F1 then F9 then F4. You are at the DOS
- shell, so Lite and your file are still in memory. Carefully make more
- room on your disk, then enter the DOS command EXIT to go back to Lite.
- Now press F1 then F3 to save your file.
- If you get a "Disk format problem" or "Disk data read problem" or other message
- that ends "Esc:stop trying, F9:try again.":
- You may have a worn out disk.
- 1. If the drive letter is for a hard disk, call a hardware service technician.
- 2. If the drive letter is for a floppy disk, try to copy all files from the old
- disk to a new, formatted one. Sometimes removing and replacing the disk in
- the drive helps. Sometimes the disk can still be read on another drive.
- Sometimes cleaning your floppy disk drive heads will help.
- Also, floppy and hard disks are temperature sensitive. If your disk won't read
- when it's cold, try waiting for it to warm up. For floppy disks, leave them in
- the computer for an hour and try again.
- Status Line
- Format of the Status Line:
- Esc:menu Key-Status Ed-Status Sp-Status Font-Status n% n/n,n Edit/Read filename
- Esc:menu Reminds you to press the Esc key to bring up the Main Menu
- Key-Status Current keyboard status
- Over Overwrite mode
- Push Pushright mode
- OVER/PUSH Caps Lock mode
- OveR/PusH Num Lock mode
- Shf Next key will be Shifted
- Ctl Next key will be Ctl'd
- Alt Next key will be Alt'd
- Fn Next key will be Fn'd
- Ed-Status Current edit status
- Wrap- Wordwrap and auto reform off
- Wrap+ Wordwrap on, auto reform off
- Para+ Wordwrap and auto reform on
- ParA+ Auto reform on by A in Ruler
- ParN- Wrap/reform off by N in Ruler
- ParU- Wrap/reform off by %U line
- Marking Marking mode
- MARKED Marked mode
- Boxing Boxing mode
- BOXED Boxed mode
- IMPORT F3, F6 insert block from last file
- DECIMAL Decimal tab entry mode
- ACCENT Next key is part of Accent pair
- RECORD Recording keystrokes
- Guide Cursor is on a Guide Line
- <user> Next key is user-defined
- [,],\,√ Temporary margins in effect
- Sp-Status Status of the spelling checker
- Se- Normal edit search on, auto spell off
- Se+ Normal edit search on, auto spell on
- Sp- Spell search on, auto spell off
- Sp+ Spell search on, auto spell on
- Font-Status Current width font or font character
- R:<letter> Current width font set with .R
- <char>a<letter> Cursor is on a font character
- <char>:<letter> Cursor is in a width font area
- n% Percentage of memory still free for editing
- n/n,n Line on page/total page lines, page number
- (Repage for correct page numbers)
- Edit/Read File save status
- Edit File in memory needs to be saved
- Read File in memory same as on disk
- edit/read File is locked on network
- filename Name of the file you are editing
- Example: Esc:menu Push Wrap+Se- R:F 99% 1/1, 1 Read "filename"
- Characters
- Box drawing Characters: (See BOX OPERATIONS for Framing feature.)
- ═══╦═══╦═══╦═══╗ ╔═══╦═══╦═══╦═══╗╔═══╦═══╦═══╦═══╗ ╔═══╦═══╦═══╦═══
- Q ║ W ║ E ║ R ║ ║ U ║ I ║ O ║ P ║║ Q ║ W ║ E ║ R ║ ║ U ║ I ║ O ║ P
- ┌ ║ ┬ ║ ┐ ║ │ ║ ║ ╓ ║ ╥ ║ ╖ ║ ▓ ║║ ╔ ║ ╦ ║ ╗ ║ ║ ║ ║ ╒ ║ ╤ ║ ╕ ║ █
- ═══╩╦══╩╦══╩╦══╩╦═══╦══╩╦══╩╦══╩╦══╩╦══╝╚╦══╩╦══╩╦══╩╦══╩╦═══╦══╩╦══╩╦══╩╦══╩╦══
- A ║ S ║ D ║ F ║ G ║ H ║ J ║ K ║ L ║ ║ A ║ S ║ D ║ F ║ G ║ H ║ J ║ K ║ L ║
- ├ ║ ┼ ║ ┤ ║«─ ║ ─»║ ╟ ║ ╫ ║ ╢ ║ ░ ║ ║ ╠ ║ ╬ ║ ╣ ║«═ ║ ═»║ ╞ ║ ╪ ║ ╡ ║ ▒ ║
- ══╦═╩═╦═╩═╦═╩═╦═╩═╦═╩═╦═╩═╦═╩═╦═╩═══╝ ╚═╦═╩═╦═╩═╦═╩═╦═╩═╦═╩═╦═╩═╦═╩═╦═╩═══╝
- ║ Z ║ X ║ C ║ V ║ B ║ N ║ M ║ ║ Z ║ X ║ C ║ V ║ B ║ N ║ M ║
- ║ └ ║ ┴ ║ ┘ ║ │ ║ ╙ ║ ╨ ║ ╜ ║ ║ ╚ ║ ╩ ║ ╝ ║ ║ ║ ╘ ║ ╧ ║ ╛ ║
- ╚═══╩═══╩═══╩═══╩═══╩═══╩═══╝ ╚═══╩═══╩═══╩═══╩═══╩═══╩═══╝
- Math Characters: Press first key, then Accent Key (~), then second key.
- 1 Accent ` ░ │ a Accent / α │ d Accent / δ │ ) Accent ` ⌡
- 2 Accent ` ▒ │ b Accent / ß │ f Accent / φ │ 1 Accent 2 ½
- 3 Accent ` ▓ │ g Accent / Γ │ e Accent / ε │ 1 Accent 4 ¼
- 4 Accent ` █ │ p Accent / π │ ! Accent ` ⁿ │ : Accent ` -
- 5 Accent ` ▄ │ S Accent / Σ │ # Accent ` ■ │ / Accent ` √
- 6 Accent ` ▌ │ s Accent / σ │ $ Accent ` ∞ │ + Accent ` ±
- 7 Accent ` ▐ │ m Accent / µ │ % Accent ` ° │ . Accent ` ∙
- 8 Accent ` ▀ │ t Accent / τ │ ^ Accent ` ∩ │ = Accent ` ≡
- │ F Accent / Φ │ & Accent ` │ ~ Accent ` ≈
- [ Accent ` ⌐ │ h Accent / Θ │ * Accent ` ² │ > Accent ` ≥
- ] Accent ` ¬ │ M Accent / Ω │ ( Accent ` ⌠ │ < Accent ` ≤
- Foreign Characters: Press first key, then Accent Key (~), then second key
- a Accent " ä │ a Accent ` à │ a Accent ^ â │ o Accent a å
- A Accent " Ä │ e Accent ` è │ e Accent ^ ê │ A Accent o Å
- e Accent " ë │ i Accent ` ì │ i Accent ^ î │
- i Accent " ï │ o Accent ` ò │ o Accent ^ ô │ a Accent _ ª
- o Accent " ö │ u Accent ` ù │ u Accent ^ û │ o Accent _ º
- O Accent " Ö │ a Accent ' á │ c Accent , ç │
- u Accent " ü │ E Accent ' É │ C Accent , Ç │ c Accent / ¢
- U Accent " Ü │ e Accent ' é │ n Accent ~ ñ │ - Accent L £
- y Accent " ÿ │ i Accent ' í │ N Accent ~ Ñ │ = Accent Y ¥
- a Accent e æ │ o Accent ' ó │ ? Accent ? ¿ │ t Accent P ₧
- A Accent E Æ │ u Accent ' ú │ ! Accent ! ¡ │ - Accent f ƒ
- Entering Text
- ┌──────────────────────────────────┬────────────────────────────┬──────────────┐
- │ Text │ Press │Top Line reads│
- │ To enter letters and numbers.....│ letter or number keys │ (normal) │
- │ To enter special characters......│ key, Accent key (~), key │ ACCENT │
- │ To enter characters by code......│ Alt plus keypad number keys│ (normal) │
- │ Modes │ │ │
- │ To push existing text right..... │ Scroll Lock (or Ctl-V) │ Push │
- │ To overwrite existing text.......│ Scroll Lock (or Ctl-V) │ Over │
- │ To type all capital letters......│ Caps Lock (on/off) │ PUSH/OVER │
- └──────────────────────────────────┴────────────────────────────┴──────────────┘
- Spaces
- Normal space Space bar
- To right of cursor Ins
- Repeat (for column) Shf Ins
- To next Tab stop Ctl I
- Hard-Space Ctl Space (keeps words together)
- Soft-Space Shf Ctl Space (used in formatting)
- Hyphens
- Normal hyphen Hyphen (- key)
- Hard-Hyphen Ctl Hyphen (keeps words together)
- Soft-Hyphen Shf Ctl Hyphen (conditional at end of line)
- Line boundary
- Normal Enter
- Beneath indent Shf Enter
- Beneath cursor Ctl N
- Special insert
- System date Alt F4 then F5
- Transpose/case
- Transpose left Shf Bksp
- Transpose right Shf Esc
- Upper/lower case F8
- To upper case Alt F8
- Marking Text
- How to do block operations: ┌──────┬────────────┬──────┬─────────┬─────────┐
- │ Copy │Copy to file│ Move │ Delete │ Box │
- 1. Begin marking with any of...│ F3 │ Ctl F6 │ F6 │ F4 │ Ctl F7 │
- │ │ │ │ │ │
- 2. End marking with any of.....│ F3 │ Ctl F6 │ F6 │ F4 │ Ctl F7 │
- │ │ │ │(delete) │ │
- 3. Move cursor to new position.│ │ │ │ │ │
- │ │ │ │ │ │
- 4. Insert marked with..........│ F3 │ filename │ F6 │ Ctl F4 │ F3 or F6│
- │ │ │ │(un-del) │ │
- 5. Un-mark text with ..........│ F5 │ F5 │ F5 │ F5 │ F5 │
- └──────┴────────────┴──────┴─────────┴─────────┘
- Un-delete last deletion Ctl F4 DELETE TEXT, FILE OPERATIONS.
- Problems, Print
- Printers have more problems than any other part of a computer system.
- If your printer is not working with Lite, DON'T PANIC. (See also PRINTER SETUP)
- If the printer is not working or Lite tells you it cannot print, check:
- 1. Printer power is on. Turn the printer off and on to reset it.
- 2. Printer is activated, the "online" or "selected" light is on.
- 3. Printer has paper.
- 4. All plugs and cables are secure and fully plugged in.
- 5. All switches on your printer are set according to specifications.
- (Look in your printer manual.)
- 6. Printer is plugged into the correct port of your computer.
- (Parallel and serial ports often look the same. Many computers have both.)
- 7. If your printer is a serial printer, the output is redirected to a serial
- port with the DOS MODE command. If your serial printer uses XON/XOFF
- protocol (not Lite's normal) print to the special device SER1 or SER2.
- 8. The PrtScreen Key (Shf Grey*) works if your printer is hooked up correctly.
- If it is printing, but the results are incorrect, check that:
- 1. You have the right print control file installed as PR.DEF.
- The first line of the print control file lists brand and model.
- 2. If your printer has more than one emulation mode, the print control
- file matches the current emulation mode.
- 3. The type style or characters you want are in the character set(s)
- shown in your printer manual, in the current mode.
- 4. If you are printing one page at a time with cut sheet paper, you
- may need to disable your printer's "out of paper" switch.
- 5. Make sure that the top of the page is just at the printhead, so
- that if the printer were to print immediately, it would print in
- the first sixth of an inch of the paper.
- If all else fails:
- Print your file to another file, instead of to the printer, using F1, F7, F8,
- filename, Enter, F10. This file has everything normally sent to the printer
- including escape sequences and printer codes. Edit this output file with Lite.
- You may see many strange looking symbols, but you should also see your text.
- You may be able to print the output file using the DOS PRINT command.
- Switching Files
- To switch from one file to another:
- 1. Press F1 then F6.
- 2. Type the filename you want to load. Press Enter. To load a file from a
- drive or directory that is not the default, be sure to type the drive letter
- and/or directory name.
- 3. The file currently being edited is saved. The new file is loaded. You are
- prompted for a backup. Press Esc for no backup, or F9 if you want a backup
- copy. The new file appears on screen.
- File and drive switching options after F1, F6:
- Quick switch to another file earlier/later in a
- series (eg. FILE1.T, FILE2.T, FILE3.T, etc.)....F5/F7
- Display directory, select file to edit...........F8 or *.*
- Switch to file, with backup......................F9
- Switch to file, no backup........................F10
- Switch to file, prompt for backup................Enter
- Import text from one file to another by marking text, switching files,
- and then inserting the text with F3, F6, or Ctl F4.
- Char Codes (* full PC-Write feature)
- Code Key Function Char
- 000 Ctl-U (invisible) space
- 001 Alt-S Second strike
- 002 Alt-B Boldface
- 003 Alt-E Elite
- 004 Alt-V * Variable
- 005 Alt-P Pica
- 006 Alt-C Compressed
- 007 Alt-M * Marine blue
- 008 Alt-J * Justify Line
- 009 Alt 9 (Tab)
- 010 Enter (Line feed)
- 011 Alt-G Guide Line
- 012 Shf Alt-T Soft Break
- 013 Alt-X * X (carr. ret.)
- 014 Alt-A * Align font
- 015 Alt-Z * Z (Hard-Break)
- 016 Alt-D Double wide
- 017 Alt-N Number font
- 018 Alt-W * Double under
- 019 Alt-O * Overstrike /
- 020 Alt-K Keep Para.
- 021 Alt-I Italics
- 022 Alt-Q Quality
- 023 Alt-U Underline
- 024 Alt-H Higher
- 025 Alt-L Lower
- 026 Alt 26 (End of file)
- 027 Alt 27 (Escape)
- 028 Alt-F Fast
- 029 Shf Ctl - * Soft-Hyphen
- 030 Alt-R * Red
- 031 Alt-Y * Yellow
- 032 sp 044 , 056 8 068 D 080 P 092 \ 104 h 116 t
- 033 ! 045 - 057 9 069 E 081 Q 093 ] 105 i 117 u
- 034 " 046 . 058 : 070 F 082 R 094 ^ 106 j 118 v
- 035 # 047 / 059 ; 071 G 083 S 095 _ 107 k 119 w
- 036 $ 048 0 060 < 072 H 084 T 096 ` 108 l 120 x
- 037 % 049 1 061 = 073 I 085 U 097 a 109 m 121 y
- 038 & 050 2 062 > 074 J 086 V 098 b 110 n 122 z
- 039 ' 051 3 063 ? 075 K 087 W 099 c 111 o 123 {
- 040 ( 052 4 064 @ 076 L 088 X 100 d 112 p 124 |
- 041 ) 053 5 065 A 077 M 089 Y 101 e 113 q 125 }
- 042 * 054 6 066 B 078 N 090 Z 102 f 114 r 126 ~
- 043 + 055 7 067 C 079 O 091 [ 103 g 115 s 127
- 128 Ç C accent , 160 á a accent ' 192 └ Shf Alt Z 224 α a accent /
- 129 ü u accent " 161 í i accent ' 193 ┴ Shf Alt X 225 ß b accent /
- 130 é e accent ' 162 ó o accent ' 194 ┬ Shf Alt W 226 Γ g accent /
- 131 â a accent ^ 163 ú u accent ' 195 ├ Shf Alt A 227 π p accent /
- 132 ä a accent " 164 ñ n accent ~ 196 ─ Shf Alt F 228 Σ S accent /
- 133 à a accent ` 165 Ñ N accent ~ 197 ┼ Shf Alt S 229 σ s accent /
- 134 å o accent a 166 ª a accent _ 198 ╞ Shf Ctl H 230 µ m accent /
- 135 ç c accent , 167 º o accent _ 199 ╟ Shf Alt H 231 τ t accent /
- 136 ê e accent ^ 168 ¿ ? accent ? 200 ╚ Shf Ctl Z 232 Φ F accent /
- 137 ë e accent " 169 ⌐ [ accent ` 201 ╔ Shf Ctl Q 233 Θ h accent /
- 138 è e accent ` 170 ¬ ] accent ` 202 ╩ Shf Ctl X 234 Ω M accent /
- 139 ï i accent " 171 ½ 1 accent 2 203 ╦ Shf Ctl W 235 δ d accent /
- 140 î i accent ^ 172 ¼ 1 accent 4 204 ╠ Shf Ctl A 236 ∞ $ accent `
- 141 ì i accent ` 173 ¡ ! accent ! 205 ═ Shf Ctl F 237 φ f accent /
- 142 Ä A accent " 174 « < accent < 206 ╬ Shf Ctl S 238 ε e accent /
- 143 Å A accent o 175 » > accent > 207 ╧ Shf Ctl N 239 ∩ ^ accent `
- 144 É E accent ' 176 ░ 1 accent ` 208 ╨ Shf Alt N 240 ≡ = accent `
- 145 æ a accent e 177 ▒ 2 accent ` 209 ╤ Shf Ctl I 241 ± + accent `
- 146 Æ A accent E 178 ▓ 3 accent ` 210 ╥ Shf Alt I 242 ≥ > accent `
- 147 ô o accent ^ 179 │ Shf Alt R 211 ╙ Shf Alt B 243 ≤ < accent `
- 148 ö o accent " 180 ┤ Shf Alt D 212 ╘ Shf Ctl B 244 ⌠ ( accent `
- 149 ò o accent ` 181 ╡ Shf Ctl K 213 ╒ Shf Ctl U 245 ⌡ ) accent `
- 150 û u accent ^ 182 ╢ Shf Alt K 214 ╓ Shf Alt U 246 ÷ : accent `
- 151 ù u accent ` 183 ╖ Shf Alt O 215 ╫ Shf Alt J 247 ≈ ~ accent `
- 152 ÿ y accent " 184 ╕ Shf Ctl O 216 ╪ Shf Ctl J 248 ° % accent `
- 153 Ö O accent " 185 ╣ Shf Ctl D 217 ┘ Shf Alt C 249 ∙ . accent `
- 154 Ü U accent " 186 ║ Shf Ctl R 218 ┌ Shf Alt Q 250 · & accent `
- 155 ¢ c accent / 187 ╗ Shf Ctl E 219 █ 4 accent ` 251 √ / accent `
- 156 £ - accent L 188 ╝ Shf Ctl C 220 ▄ 5 accent ` 252 ⁿ ! accent `
- 157 ¥ = accent Y 189 ╜ Shf Alt M 221 ▌ 6 accent ` 253 ² 2 accent /
- 158 ₧ t accent P 190 ╛ Shf Ctl M 222 ▐ 7 accent ` 254 ■ # accent `
- 159 ƒ - accent f 191 ┐ Shf Alt E 223 ▀ 8 accent ` 255 @ accent `
- File Conversion
- Remove page breaks
- Both hard and soft Alt F7, F9
- Convert tabs and spaces
- Tabs to spaces Alt F5, F4, F9
- Spaces to tabs Alt F5, F4, F10
- Fix line boundary errors
- Add carriage return
- to line feed Alt F5, F6, F9
- Convert WordStar files
- Clear high-order bits Alt F5, F2, F9
- Remove non-ASCII
- Asks about extended chars Alt F4, F6, F10
- Misc. Operations
- Word count
- Number of bytes, characters,
- letters, words in file Alt F4, F3
- Mark pair of symbols
- Mark (), {}, [], <>, xx Alt F4, F4
- Insert current date
- E.g., "November 9, 1989" Alt F4, F5
- Find non-ASCII characters
- Includes font characters Alt F4, F6
- Recording Keys
- Record a commonly used phrase, or command sequences, to save time typing.
- Recorded sequences can be permanently assigned to keys.
- To record keystrokes
- 1. Start recording. Ctl @
- 2. Press keys to record.
- 3. Stop recording. Ctl @ (or, to stop w/continuous play, Grey*)
- To play back a sequence Grey*
- To start numbers mode Ctl ^ (used to put a sequence into ED.DEF)
- To assign a sequence to a key
- 1. Record the sequence, as above.
- 2. Edit the edit control file, normally ED.DEF.
- 3. Start a new, blank line.
- 4. Press Ctl ^ to start Numbers mode.
- 5. Press the key you want to assign the sequence to. You see the key's number.
- 6. Press the Grey* key to play back the sequence (or, just type the sequence).
- You see all the numbers for the keys in the sequence.
- 7. Press Ctl ^ again to end Numbers mode.
- Undelete/Undo
- There are many ways to recover from mistakes.
- Delete
- When you delete a word, a line, or a block, the deleted text is copied to an
- area called the "hold". If you delete several words or lines in a row, all of
- them go into the hold together.
- To un-delete, press Ctl F4. This copies the hold to your file at the cursor.
- Move
- When you move a block of text with F6, the second "bookmark" is set to the
- original location of the block.
- To undo a move, press Shf Ctl End then F6 (assuming the block is still marked).
- Copy
- To undo a block copy, press F4 twice (assuming the block is still marked).
- Jump
- When you jump to a new location using:
- 1. Search or spell check (Grey+ or Grey-)
- 2. Jump to the start or end of the file (Shf Grey+ or Shf Grey-)
- 3. Jump to a numbered line or page (Alt F9)
- or do some other operations, Lite sets the second bookmark to the old location.
- To undo a jump, press Shf Ctl End to jump back to the second bookmark.
- General Editing
- When you edit, your actions only affect the file in your computer's memory.
- It is only when you save your file to disk that the changes become permanent.
- To restore your file to the way it was the last time you saved it:
- 1. Press F1 then F9 then F6 then F10.
- If your file is saved to disk and you want the original version back again,
- you need a backup file, a copy of the file under another name. When you edit
- a file, Lite asks if you want to create a backup copy. To use a backup file:
- 1. From DOS, rename the original file some other name, just in case.
- If your backup copy is OK, you can delete this file later.
- 2. Then rename the backup file to the same name as your original file.
- Control Files
- Edit control files and Print control files may be customized to meet your needs,
- or to fix some keyboard problems.
- Useful Edit Control File Customizations
- Place one to a line. Save changes (F1 then F3) then reload
- the edit control file (F2 then F6) to try out your changes.
- 429:"/e" Default filename suffix, no backup on file switch
- 400:725 Turn on automatic spell checking when you start
- 270:420 Redefine Tab Key to insert spaces. Pushes text in
- push mode, overwrites in overwrite mode.
- M:399 Redefine Ctl M to be Alt Space Bar (Hide/Show toggle)
- S:"T. Catz" Redefine Ctl S to enter name
- Switches
- %C Turn on Color for color monitors
- %F Ctl-Z (code 26) ends files
- %G Help file never loads
- %I Save every 2000 inserts
- %M Menu descriptions on as default
- %O Keyboard compatibility switch
- %P Punctuation separates words
- %R Save every 10 minutes
- %S Sticky shifts on
- %U Block all paragraph reformat
- Settings
- &B:7 Visual beep and bell, 0=no bell, 1=visual, 7=both
- &C:5 Cursor fixed thickness, 1=thinnest, 5=thickest;
- or, set monitor type, 6= CGA, 7= MGA, 8= EGA, 9= VGA
- &F:3 File lock status, 3 locks all files (for DOS SHARE command)
- &I:n Changes number inserts for %I, or just reminder if no %I
- &J:19 16 turns on extended keyboard, +3 swaps CapLock and right Ctl keys
- &K:20 Keyboard repeat rate (0 to 31) and delay (32, 64, 96)
- &L:7 End of line display character, decimal code
- &M:2 Multi-row screen display, 1=single, 2=double
- &R:n Changes number of minutes for %R; or just reminder if no %R
- Print Control File Customization
- $A Printer already prints accented characters
- $I End of page sequence (code 12) opposite of $Q
- $Q Suppress end of page sequence, advance line by line
- $nnn=nnn Decimal code of character in file now prints with new code number
- # Font Lines
- # lines in both edit and print control files define fonts.
- In the print control file, the line has control code sequences for the font.
- In the Edit control file, the lines change screen display attributes.
- File Operations
- These commands help you with file housekeeping.
- Rename
- File in memory F1, F5
- Copy
- File in memory to disk file Alt F1, F6
- Delete
- Disk file Alt F1, F7
- Organize
- Display directory Alt F1, F8
- Numbering
- Use automatic numbering for footnotes, lines, and outlines. You enter a
- Numbering Sequence that is translated into a sequential series of numbers
- when you repage. See REPAGING. See HEADERS/FOOTERS for page numbering.
- First create a unique numbering sequence. Each sequence element contains:
- 1. An Alt N font character ()
- 2. A number, perhaps with leading spaces for alignment
- 3. A symbol (anything but a digit or letter, including a space)
- When you Repage, the numbers or letters become sequential.
- The symbol, which indicates the sequence, remains the same.
- Example
- ( is the Alt N font character)
- 1. Cats
- 3. Dogs
- 2. Mice
- After repage:
- 1. Cats
- 2. Dogs
- 3. Mice
- Footnote Numbering
- Use Alt N to number footnote entries. Start each entry with Alt N and the
- number or letter and symbol for the series. Repage, and the numbers update
- to the current order of the footnotes in the document. In this example, the
- actual footnote number ends with "." and the footnote reference with "]":
- This is the reference [9] to cats.
- .DB
- 9. This is footnote text about cats.
- .DQ
- Reformatting
- This topic covers paragraph reformatting, which keeps paragraphs in the margins.
- For other formatting topics, see FORMAT MENU, PARAGRAPH STYLE, and PAGE LAYOUT.
- F7 does a manual reformat of a paragraph, or all paragraphs in a marked block.
- Wordwrap means that as you type, when you get to the right margin, the word you
- are typing moves to the next line automatically.
- Automatic reformat means that as you edit, the entire paragraph you are working
- on stays between the margins automatically.
- Shf F7 toggles between three reformat modes. The Status line shows:
- Wrap- Wordwrap and automatic reformat off
- Wrap+ Wordwrap on, automatic reformat off
- Para+ Automatic reformat on
- Ruler letters can also control reformatting:
- (above) Letter Y in Ruler line means reformat is controlled by the Shf F7 key.
- ParA+ Letter A in Ruler line forces automatic reformat on.
- ParN- Letter N in Ruler line forces all reformatting off, including F7 key.
- Controlling Reformatting
- To keep lines or paragraphs from joining with the next one:
- 1. Put an N Mini-Ruler above the lines or paragraphs, and a Y Mini-Ruler below.
- To enter a Mini-Ruler, enter an Alt-G then the letter (Y or N) on an empty
- line, or use the Alt F6 Format Menu.
- Or,
- 2. End every line with an Alt K, the Keep Paragraph font character.
- Centered and Flush Right Lines
- There are two ways to center or flush right between the left and right margins:
- 1. The letter C or F in the Ruler line at the right margin will do it.
- 2. Shf F8 centers, and Ctl F8 sets flush right, a line or marked block.
- Windows
- Windows are created by splitting the screen in two with the Ruler Line.
- You can display two portions of the same file or two different files,
- and mark and move blocks between them.
- To create windows
- 1. Place cursor where you want to split the screen. Press F2.
- 2. Press Up or Down Arrow to move to a window. All cursor and editing keys
- stay in that window. You have two "windows" into the same file.
- 3. To edit a second file in a window, press F1 then F6 to switch files.
- To move between windows
- 1. Press F2 to jump to Ruler line.
- 2. Press Up or Down Arrow to move to the other window.
- To close windows
- 1. Place cursor in the window you want to keep.
- 2. Press F2 then F2. The cursor jumps to the Ruler and the Ruler is removed.
- To move text between windows
- 1. Press F3, F6, or Ctl F7 at the start and end of the block.
- 2. Move between windows as described above (F2 then Up or Down Arrow).
- If this switches to another file, the status line says IMPORT.
- 3. Position cursor and press F3 to copy or F6 to move.
- If the block was in another file, it is still there, even if you do a move.
- Copy/Move Text
- Moving within a file
- 1. Start marking text with F6.
- 2. Move cursor, end marking with F6.
- 3. Move cursor to new location.
- 4. Press F6 to move marked text.
- 5. Press F5 to remove highlighting.
- Copying within a file
- 1. Start marking text with F3 (or F6).
- 2. Move cursor, end marking with F3.
- 3. Move cursor to new location.
- 4. Press F3 to copy marked text.
- 5. Press F5 to remove highlighting.
- Copying to a file - stay in this file, append to or replace named file
- 1. Start marking text with Ctl F6 (or F6).
- 2. End marking with Ctl F6.
- 3. Type in file name, press Enter.
- Copying to a file - select block, switch to other file, insert at cursor
- 1. Start marking with F3 or F6.
- 2. Move cursor, end with F3 or F6
- 3. Press F1, then F6 to switch files.
- 4. Type filename, then press enter.
- 5. Press Esc or F9 for backup option.
- 6. The status line says IMPORT.
- 7. Press F3 (or F6) to insert.
- 8. Press F5 to remove highlighting.
- Insert a file
- 1. Locate cursor at insert point.
- 2. Press Ctl F3.
- 3. Type file name, press Enter.
- Moving characters
- Transpose character left with Shf Bksp, or right with Shf Esc.
- Slide text right/left (Slide boxes by marking with Ctl F7 first)
- 1. Mark text with F3 or F6.
- 2. Position cursor at insert/delete point.
- 3. Press Shf Ins or Shf Del.
- 4. Type number of spaces to move right (Ins) or left (Del).
- 5. Press Enter.
- Find/Replace
- Set Find and Replace text
- 1. Press F9.
- 2. Insert chars/text to find.
- 3. Press F10.
- 4. Insert chars/text to replace.
- Search for Find text
- Forward once Grey+ (or Ctl-L)
- Backward once Grey- (or Ctl-O)
- For next non-ASCII Alt F4 F6
- Replace text
- Replace once F10
- Swap find and replace Ctl F10
- Repeat replace Alt F10, F9
- Un-replace Alt F10, F10
- Find/Replace Wild Cards
- Current Find text F2
- Marked text F3
- "Unwild" space, letter,
- Alt A, D, J, M, X, Z F4
- Letter or number F5
- Symbol or blank F6
- Any character F7
- Line boundary F8
- Space matches spaces, fonts, and line bounds.
- Lower case letters match their upper case and accented versions.
- The F4 wild card before a space or lower case letter makes it match exactly.
- Page Layout
- Page Layout means top and bottom margins, header and footer lines, printed
- left margin, right margin (or line width), and line spacing. You set the
- page layout with Dot lines and a Ruler Line at the start of your text file.
- The Formatting Menu (Alt F6) can help you enter these lines.
- Dot Line Default Controls
- .XT:lines .XT:4 top margin
- .XB:lines .XB:8 bottom margin
- .X:spaces .X:0 printed left margin
- .H:header (none) header line (up to 8)
- .F:header (none) footer line (up to 8)
- .S:lines/in .S:6 inter-line spacing
- .M:number .M:1 multiple line spacing
- Sample letter:
- .XT:3 top margin, 3 lines or 0.5 inch
- .XB:3 bottom margin, 3 lines or 0.5 inch
- .X:15 printed left margin, 15 spaces or 1.5 inches
- .F:$$$ footer, the page number
- .M:2 double spaced
- Repaging
- Repaging inserts soft page breaks in a file so you can see where page breaks
- occur, based on the page length (.L). In Hide mode (Alt Space Bar) soft page
- breaks display as a single dashed line, while hard breaks are a double line.
- The Page Breaks Menu (Alt F7) helps you locate, move, and convert page breaks.
- To repage, press Alt F7. You get the repage menu:
- Esc F1 F3.View F5.Repage-all F7.Next-page F9.Del-all-breaks Ctl-PgUpDn: n
- F3 View
- Toggles Preview mode on or off. In this mode, you see pages in a reduced,
- graphical way. You can't read the words, but you can see margins, headers,
- footers, footnotes, etc., and get a feel for how it will look when printed.
- Use the Ctl PgUp and Ctl PgDn keys to view all of your pages.
- F5 Repage-all
- Repages your entire file.
- F7 Next-page
- Repages only to the next page break.
- F9 Del-all-breaks
- Deletes all soft and hard page breaks in your file, after you press F9 again.
- Ctl PgDn (and Ctl PgUp)
- These keys go to the next (or prior) place a page break would occur.
- Shf PgDn (and Shf PgUp)
- These keys adjust a page break line up or down on the page.
- After a repage, adjust the position of the page breaks in the following ways:
- * Enter Hard Page Breaks with Alt-T to force page breaks.
- * Enter Soft Page Breaks with Shf-Alt-T (but Repage will move them).
- * Add or delete blank lines, and repage again.
- * Change the page length (default is 66 lines) with a .L line
- (or the body length with a .LB Dot line) and repage again.
- Support Service
- Registered users with current support: you can call for help with technical
- questions. Have your Lite manual and printer manual (for printer problems)
- handy. Please have the following information available:
- * Your registration number.
- * Your PC-Write Lite version number (1.03) and your DOS version number.
- * The type of hardware and peripherals you have.
- * The name of any RAM-resident programs.
- * The contents of your AUTOEXEC.BAT and CONFIG.SYS files, if any.
- Unregistered users: Our support group can only help with the tutorial for free.
- We also take support calls for $8 per 10 minutes on your Visa or MasterCard.
- You get one year of unlimited tech support when you register (pay for) Lite.
- For help, call (206) 282-0452, 7AM to 5PM Pacific time, except 1-3 Wed & Thur.
- Cursor Moves
- Left
- Character Left Arrow
- Screen edge Shf Left Arrow
- Word Ctl Left Arrow
- Margin Home
- Previous
- Tab Shf Tab
- Page Ctl PgUp
- Paragraph Shf Ctl PgUp
- Sentence Shf Ctl Left Arrow
- Right
- Character Right Arrow
- Screen edge Shf Right Arrow
- Word Ctl Right Arrow
- Margin Shf End
- Next
- Tab Tab
- Page Ctl PgDn
- Paragraph Shf Ctl PgDn
- Sentence Shf Ctl Right Arrow
- Up
- Line Up Arrow
- Screen top Shf Up Arrow
- Start of block Shf Alt -
- Top of file Shf Grey + (or Alt +)
- Screen Shf PgUp
- Down
- Line Down Arrow
- Screen bottom Shf Down Arrow
- End of block Shf Alt +
- End of file Shf Grey - (or Alt -)
- Screen Shf PgDn
- Bookmarks
- Set first Bookmark Ctl Home
- Jump to first Bookmark Ctl End
- Set second Bookmark Shf Ctl Home
- Jump to second Bookmark Shf Ctl End
- The second bookmark is set before jumps and at the source of a moved block.
- Cursor location
- Jump to line in file Alt F9 line
- Jump to start of page Alt F9 F10 page
- Jump to line on page Alt F9 line F10 page
- When you press Alt F9, the Top Line is a menu:
- F9:Line xx/xx in file. F10:Page xx/xx.
- The second number, after the "/", is the number of lines or pages in the file.
- Fixing Typos
- There are a few keys used over and over for basic character editing.
- When you move the cursor to an existing character and type, in Over mode you
- type over the character, and in Push mode you push the line to the right.
- The Scroll Lock key toggles between Push and Over mode (shown on Status Line).
- When you type the wrong letter, press the Bksp key to back up and re-type it.
- The Del key deletes one character at the cursor, and the Ins key inserts one
- space at the cursor. You can use the two together to push text left or right.
- To transpose two letters, press Shf Esc on the first, or Shf Bksp on the second.
- To change upper to lower case, or vice versa, press the F8 key.
- Paragraph Style
- This topic covers two kinds of paragraph controls:
- The type of right margin: justified, ragged right, etc.
- The type of left margin: normal, forced, floating, etc.
- You set these options with two letters in the Ruler Line, one at the
- left margin (L, K, I, H) and the other at the right margin (R, J, C, F).
- Right Margin Types
- The right margin letter marks the right edge of every paragraph.
- The letter you use determines the way the paragraph will look.
- R: Ragged Right Margin
- This is a normal, simple right margin. No extra "soft spaces" are added to
- make the lines look different, so the right side looks "ragged".
- L-----------------------------------R
- This is a paragraph with a ragged
- right margin. Each line fits inside
- the right margin.
- J: Justified Right margin
- With a J right margin, each line in the paragraph (except the last) is padded
- with "soft spaces" so it looks even on the right side. Soft spaces look like
- little dots in Show mode, and like spaces in Hide mode or when printed.
- L-----------------------------------J
- This ·paragraph ·has ·been ·justified
- with a J ·right ·margin. ··Each ·line
- is filled out, except the last.
- C: Centered Right Margin
- The C right margin centers every line in the paragraph, using soft spaces.
- L-----------------------------------C
- ··This paragraph has been centered···
- ··········using a C margin.··········
- F: Flush-Right Right Margin
- The F right margin forces every line to the far right, using soft spaces.
- L-----------------------------------F
- ········This paragraph is flush-right
- ···················using an F margin.
- Left Margin Types
- The left margin letter tells Lite how to decide when a paragraph starts.
- Usually, the L left margin works best. The others are for special cases.
- Although you can place the L where you want your printed left margin,
- most people prefer to keep the left margin in the first column, and set
- the amount of printed space on the left with the .X Dot command.
- L: Normal Left Margin
- The L left margin gives normal paragraphs, each starting with a line
- (perhaps indented) followed by lines that start at the left margin.
- Wordwrap wraps to the left margin.
- Example:
- L---P-------------------------------R
- The P margin (not a left margin)
- sets the first line of a paragraph.
- It can be left or right of the left
- margin for all paragraph styles. The
- P is optional. You can space or tab
- to the first line indent. The Enter
- key goes to the P margin.
- Not a Paragraph - This looks like
- one paragraph, but actually each
- line starts a new paragraph, because
- they do not start at the L margin.
- K: Forced Left Margin
- The K left margin letter forces all lines to the K left margin.
- This is handy if you need to change the left margin.
- To indent the first line, use a P margin.
- Example:
- K---+---T1----+-T-2---T---3--T-+-R
- When reformatted, these
- lines will all
- line up with the K in the Ruler.
- I: Indented, Floating Left Margin
- The I left margin is handy for normal indented paragraphs with different left
- margins, such as quotes. Wordwrap goes to the indent of the line above.
- Example:
- I---+---T1----+-T-2---T---3--T-+-R
- Enter takes the cursor to the I.
- &&&&"Following lines will wrap
- at the indent above. "
- (&'s are spaces you typed.)
- Hanging Indent - Three methods:
- 1. Shf Enter: use to align new lines under the indent of the line above.
- Good for lists. For example:
- L---+---T1---+-T-2---T---3--T-+-R
- Here's a list: <Enter>
- &&&1. Cats are cranky. <Shf Enter>
- 2. Cats drag in mice. <Shf Enter>
- 3. (& is a space you type)
- 2. P margin outdent: If many sections are to use exactly the same hanging
- outdent, a Ruler with a P to the left of an L is useful. For example:
- P---+---L1----+-T-2---T---3--T-+-R
- Press enter and cursor goes to P,
- while wrapping will be to
- the L margin.
- 3. H left margin: For a quick hanging indent, or indenting to more than one
- left margin, use the H Ruler letter. Wordwrap goes to the indent of the
- line above. For example:
- H---+---T1----+-T-2---T---3--T-+-R
- Enter takes the cursor to the H.
- &&&&&Wrap below this line uses the
- indent of the line above.
- (& is a space you typed)
- Ruler Lines
- A Ruler Line is a Guide Line that sets paragraph margins, indents, and tabs.
- It can also turn reformatting on or off. Every Ruler Line starts with an
- invisible Alt-G, and contains capital letters used by Lite, plus lower case
- letters, dashes, etc. for your own use. For Ruler letters and options, see
- There's a default Ruler in the edit control file (ED.DEF). You can also EMBED
- a Ruler in a text file, or in your edit control files. The current Ruler is
- the most recent embedded Ruler, or if none, the most recent control file Ruler.
- Display the current Ruler line and the Window/Ruler Menu with F2.
- Ruler Line Options:
- F2 Display/remove current Ruler line.
- F2, F4 Embed current Ruler into text; saved with file, doesn't print.
- F2, F6 Read a control file, which may contain a new Ruler line.
- F2, Grey+ Make the next Ruler line in the text the current Ruler.
- F2, Grey- Make the prior Ruler line in the text the current Ruler.
- You can edit an embedded Ruler as text, or press F2 at or below it
- to edit in Ruler mode. To embed a modified version of a Ruler:
- 1. Press F2.
- 2. Find the Ruler you want with Grey-.
- 3. Press F4 to embed it.
- 4. Press F2 again to edit it in Ruler mode.
- 5. Or just edit the Ruler as normal text.
- You can also use the Formatting Menu (Alt F6) to set most common Ruler line
- options for you. You can set the right margin position and type, regular
- tab stops, paragraph first line indent, and reformat control.
- Mini-Rulers are just an Alt-G followed by a right margin letter.
- They only change the right margin or reformat mode in use.
- Example:
- L---+--T-1----+T---2---T+----3-T--+----4-------T-5----+T----6--T-+----7T--+--R
- C
- the C mini-ruler above centers the next line, the same as:
- L---+--T-1----+T---2---T+----3-T--+----4-------T-5----+T----6--T-+----7T--+--C
- You could use a Mini-Ruler to center a title over text using the current Ruler
- by placing a "C" Mini-Ruler above the title, and a "R" Mini-Ruler below it to
- return to a ragged right margin for the body of the text.
- Tab Stops
- Put a T in the Ruler line where you want a tab stop. The Tab key stops at
- the margin letters, too.
- Put a D in the Ruler line where you want a decimal tab stop. When you Tab to
- a decimal tab stop and type a number, the number will slide to the left until
- you type the decimal point. This aligns all the decimal points under the D.
- Margin Letters
- The different left and right margin letters are covered in PARAGRAPH STYLE.
- Ruler Letter Summary
- ┌───────────────────────┬────────────────────────────┬───────────────────────┐
- │Left Margins │Between Margins │Right Margins │
- │ H Hanging autoindent │ A Auto-reformat always ON │ C Center text │
- │ I Normal autoindent │ D Decimal tab │ F Flush right text │
- │ K Force left margin │ N Auto-reform. always OFF │ J Justify right text │
- │ L Left margin │ P Paragraph margin │ R Ragged right text │
- │ │ T Tab stop │ │
- │ │ Y Auto-reformat on Shf F7 │ │
- ├───────────────────────┴────────────────────────────┴───────────────────────┤
- │ Temp. Margin CTL-[ Left CTL-\ Paragraph CTL-] Right │
- └────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- Shareware
- Shareware is a unique marketing approach. Quicksoft encourages you to
- freely distribute unmodified copies of PC-Write Lite in the United States,
- Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. You support Quicksoft and shareware
- by registering for support and by buying our products.
- To Register:
- By phone: Call 1-800-888-8088.
- By mail: Print an order form and fill it out. To do this, place the
- PC-Write Lite Utility diskette in drive A. At the A> prompt type: